Artist Update - What I'm working on next

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I absolutely love being an artist. It is a dream come true. During the week I work full time for my publisher Framed Legacy, That means that all the artwork that I work on during that time, is owned by Framed Legacy. They own the copyright. Some of my artist friends think that I have sold my soul, but I think it's great. What other artist gets to work from home like me, and still gets a steady paycheck? There is definitely something empowering about a dependable income. The downside to this arrangement is that there are many paintings that I have made, that I can't sell the way that I want to. Much of my artwork is only available mounted and framed.  I get requests all the time for a simple small print but I can't do that because I don't own the copyright and am only able to sell what is manufactured through my publisher. On the upside, this publisher has the potential to reach markets and customers that I can't do on my own. All spring my artwork has been in a traveling Sam's Club roadshow (currently in Las Vegas). In addition, they sell through other stores like Cal Ranch and Bed Bath and Beyond. My artwork can be found in Bed Bath and Beyond stores throughout the West, as far as Southern California, and recently on the East Coast, starting in North Carolina and soon to be in New York. Because of this arrangement, I am constantly working on new artwork, some of which I would choose to do on my own anyway, but some probably not. Currently, I am working on a series of "local" artwork for different stores. I recently completed a series of lighthouses from North Carolina. I am also working on a series of "vintage travel poster" styled images of National Parks for some California stores. My favorite things to paint are those that I spend my time on during the weekend - portraits of Jesus Christ. Needless to say, I am very busy working on many things at once.

I remember once when I was young, my mom called me scatterbrained.  I didn't understand why she thought that, because relatively speaking, I think I really had it all together. I got good grades, I was focused and task driven, and all around pretty grounded, especially for a teenager (of course I am a bit biased in this aspect). The more I thought about it, I think she saw me as "scatterbrained" because I liked to change what I was working on so often. If a tasked interested me enough, I could focus on it for hours (once I started a watercolor painting after school, by the time I put down my brush, I looked out the window and noticed it was dawn, time for me to go back to school), but generally, I would work on one thing for awhile, then change tasks and do a little something different, then go back and finish the first. I was constantly working on many things at once. Although I am far from having A.D.D. (just ask my friends who have it, they thought I was very boring) I did like to turn my attention to other things. My ability to multitask kept me from being bored. I am the same way today.

A few months ago, I did a series of photoshoots, and began quite a few paintings, all at once. The first painting I completed from this group is titled "House of the Lord". In this painting, Jesus Christ stands in the open doorway of the Salt Lake Temple, beckoning you to come inside. The idea of this painting led to another, which I started at the same time, the second painting being called "Prince of Peace".

At the same time, my publisher, Framed Legacy, had an idea for a painting that I began and soon 
completed. We know that Jesus Christ is our "Good Shepherd", but they wanted to portray Him rescuing not just any sheep but a black sheep, to symbolize the fact that Jesus loves us all, even the ones that may be different than our "normal" culture. Because of a difference of opinion during our conceptual art meeting, I ended up created two of these. They can be found HERE.

There are a couple other pictures that I began doing on my own, but I got so excited about doing that I decided to work on them during my "Framed Legacy" time (and in so doing gave the copyright to them). The first one came to me when I was remembering an old painting called "Grace" that used to be hanging in my grandfather's house, I wanted to create my own version, I called it "Daily Bread" - It can be found HERE.  

The second painting is titled "Forgiveness". I wrote a blog post about this painting already HERE

I am always receiving messages from people about ideas for potential paintings.  Just, a few days ago, I was outside mowing my lawn, and a complete stranger saw me and stopped to tell me about an idea for a painting that he would like to see done. I told him what I always tell people: "Because of my commitments to my publisher, I don't have a lot of free time to pursue as much as I would want to do, but I will definitely file it away in my brain, and who knows, it could turn into a great painting in the future." Unfortunately I am just unable to paint everything that I would like to, but sometimes I can! I mention this because I am proud to say that I recently completed a painting that was requested by a fan through my Facebook page almost two years ago! This new painting is titled "Come, Follow Me"

So What's Next?

I mentioned earlier that I started a whole series of pictures, all at once. I have the rough, early stages of quite a few paintings in my studio. I have plans of a painting of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, one of the Crucifixion, and I'm very nearly complete with two new portraits. One of my favorites that I am working on I actually began back in 2011. The Book of Mormon account of the Tree of Life as seen in Lehi's Dream was always something that I have wanted to create for myself. I have especially enjoyed designing the Great and Spacious Building! I have recently altered my original plans and I have now added Jesus Christ as the focal point, Standing under the Tree of Life holding it's fruit, inviting us to come and partake. 

I jump around a lot in my endeavors. I will probably begin and finish many paintings before I have everything done that I am currently working on, but I'm having fun doing it! If you have any great ideas, let me know! I can't guarantee anything, but I will "file it away in my brain" and maybe pull that idea out in the future. I'm excited for the future. I see great things in store.

To see available artwork by Brent Borup, please visit:


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