Black and White, or Shades of Grey?

For those that know me and my art style, they know that I like to use the computer a lot in the production of my work. Even when I create an original oil painting, I spend a lot of time on the computer first creating a good reference photo, tweaking placement, colors and contrast just the way I want it before I get into the actual painting. I may spend more time in the “planning” stages than I do in my actual painting. Often times my work is a blend of the digital and the traditional. I love the flexibility and choices that these digital tools offer. In the drawing below, I decide to purposefully blend the two mediums. I began with two quick sketches using a normal pencil on plain white copy paper. The first being the basis of the drawing, the second being a reversed “highlight” area. I then inverted the second sketch using photoshop to get the bottom right image. After combining the two, I spent a lot of time balancing the merged image using different shades of grey to make ...