Living with God - Before We Were Born

A few months ago,  I wrote the following post on my FaceBook page.

The idea was a simple one. I wanted to remind people that since we all accepted Jesus Christ before we came to this earth, then sharing our belief in Him shouldn't be a hard thing to do. The response to this post was overwhelmingly positive, however, there were some replies that took me by surprise (examples shown).    

I believe in the idea of a pre-mortal life. Although there are plenty of scriptural references to back up this fact, I am not writing this blog post to debate, or even to prove, but simply to present information that I know to be true. I share with you my testimony of important, life changing stuff here!  Many people do not know where they came from, and because of that fact, they don't know their own potential. You are a child of God! The seeds of divinity are within you!

We existed before we were born. As spirits, we lived with our Father in Heaven. God presented us with a plan to help us progress, to be able to become more like Him. We would come to earth to learn through experience, and to gain a body (yes, having a body is much better than having only a spirit alone). We would have total freedom in this life to choose how we would treat others, and how obedient we would be to God's commandments. Because of this fact, we would all sin. In our fallen and sinful state, we would not be able to return to live with our Heavenly Father on our own. This is why we would need a Savior.  Jesus Christ, paying the price for our sins, became our redeemer. In doing so, He gave all the glory to His father.

There was one other in the pre-existence that had another plan. Lucifer knew that because of the freedom of choice not everybody would be saved. He wanted to coerce us to follow him. We would all come down to earth, we would all get our bodies, then we would all be saved without the freedom to make our own choices... and he would get the glory. His plan was rejected, and Lucifer openly rebelled against God and His Son. We were all left with a choice. We all made a choice.  Everybody who lives today, who has every lived upon the earth, or whoever will yet someday live, chose to follow Jesus Christ.  We were not forced to accept Jesus Christ as our savior, but we all did, even if you cannot remember that fact now. Many in the pre-existence chose to follow Lucifer. Lucifer and one third of the hosts of heaven were cast out of the presence of God. They will never be born, they will never get a body, they will never progress.

Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. He has shown us the way, and the way is through Him. We ALL once accepted him and rejoiced in that fact, and the Holy Ghost can help us all to learn that truth again. When you hear or read about an idea and just seems important but you don't know why,  or when it makes you excited yet peaceful at the same time, then that's the Holy Ghost testifying of truth.

If you would like to learn more about God's plan for you, please visit:

The following text has been taken directly from

We lived with Heavenly Father before this life as His spirit children, and we came to earth to gain a body and to learn and grow and eventually return to Him. Before this mortal life we lived with God as His spirit children, without physical bodies. We chose the Father’s plan, which included the Creation of this earth and provided us the opportunity to come here to gain a body, make choices, develop faith, and accept responsibility for our actions. This allows us to progress beyond what was possible in the spirit world when we lived with God. 

Long before the Creation of this earth, our Heavenly Father provided a plan that made it possible for us, His children, to become like Him. This plan is called the plan of salvation. Understanding this plan gives us greater purpose in life. 

Sin and death are also part of mortality. The Father sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to provide a way to overcome sin and death. This He did through an act called the Atonement. Through Christ’s atoning sacrifice we can repent of our sins and someday live with God and with our families forever. 


  1. Thank you, Brent for your lovely reminder of our true nature and the plan of salvation. You are so very talented as an artist.


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