What did Jesus Really Look Like? (and why does it matter?)

Click Here to Share on Facebook All my life I have known that I wanted to be an artist. I have had many jobs in the art industry using my talents, but I always felt that I was not truly living up to my potential. It wasn't until I began painting pictures of Jesus Christ that I could see my talents really making a difference in the world, one life at a time. I realize that seeing a picture will not usually cause some great life changing miracle, but it can help one feel the spirit. Art can bring you peace and remind you of our Savior. A mere picture of Jesus Christ can remind you of His life and everything that He has done for us. Although we do not worship the image, it can still help us to visualize the real man. It can help us to better see Him as a real person, who really lived on this earth, and who still exists as our Savior today. If my artwork can help somebody understand that Jesus Christ is real and is waiting for us to follow His teachings, then I am blesse...